CurTec starts Beyond Value Chain Mitigation

Cara Coffyn Cara Coffyn Facebook Linkedin

Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (BVCM) is a mechanism through which companies can accelerate the global net-zero transformation by going above and beyond their science based targets (SBTs). Having already committed to pursuing net-zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, CurTec now has taken action to deliver BCVM as well.

CurTec has committed to the SBT of reaching net-zero GHG emissions across the value chain by 2050, with an absolute reduction of 42% by 2030 for scope 1+2, and 90% by 2050 for scope 1+2+3 from a 2021 base year. By executing the measures from our sustainability roadmap, we could realize this ambition in 2050. However, the business growth that CurTec is currently experiencing requires us to take extra steps.

Compensation of business travel

As a result of our growth ambition and the opening of CurTec USA, the number of business trips by air has increased significantly. Compared to our baseline year 2021, the distance traveled by plane increased with 72% in 2023. As long as our US business keeps growing and maturing, it will be hard for us to reduce our scope 3.6 emissions (business travel).

That is why we decided to take our first steps in BVCM by offsetting the emissions resulting from our business air travel. In concrete terms, CurTec’s business air travel resulted in 89.9 tons of CO2-eq in 2023. In order to offset those 90 tons of CO2-eq emissions, we decided to purchase carbon credits from the Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project in Indonesia.

The Katingan project also supports 45,000 people living in villages around the area

Certified forest protection

With the help of our partner, The Green Branch, CurTec invested in a certified forest protection project. This project not only contributes to reducing emissions, but also to preserving biodiversity and supporting local communities by creating employment, training and education.

CurTec continues its emission reduction strategy and will in future increasingly opt for the purchase of carbon credits from certified and trusted projects that remove CO2 from the atmosphere, in order to compensate for irreducible emissions.

Download the VCS certificate
