Sharing is caring (2)

Marc Martens Marc Martens Facebook Linkedin

Following CurTec Nederland, CurTec USA has also selected a local charity for social sponsorship this year. The first project to receive financial support there is Grace's Closet.

The Grace's Closet team aims to break the stigma of needed help and helps children from disadvantaged parents build self-confidence and succeed both in and out of school. They do this by offering them basic necessities such as food, clothing, school supplies and toiletries.

Julie-Ann Shannon, Executive Director of Grace's Closet, receives the sponsor check

Grace's Closet now has inviting, boutique-style spaces in 19 schools in Oconee County, SC where they offer their products and where students from Pre-K through 12th grade can shop for free.

In addition to the shopping experiences, Grace's Closet also helps with nutrition. They do this by providing packed lunches to students who do not have enough to eat on weekends and during school holidays.

CurTec USA is committed to continuing to support the team behind Grace’s Closet and will be attending their annual fundraising event, which includes a dinner and silent auction, in addition to the sponsor check.

More about Grace’s Closet
